Are You Struggling with Agoraphobia?

What Are The Symptoms of Agoraphobia?

Emotional & Behavioral Symptoms of Agoraphobia

Physical Symptoms of Agoraphobia

Avoiding situations and places that can provoke anxiety or a panic attack.

Avoiding situations and places where there appears to be no escape.

Constantly worrying and often feeling tense and stressed.

Being afraid of losing control in public places and situations.

Being afraid of spending time alone.

Experiencing feelings of unreality.

Experiencing a deep-seated fear.

Problems concentrating.

Isolating yourself.

Shortness of breathing or hyperventilating.

Rapid heartbeat.

Chest pain.


Nausea or abdominal distress.

Dizziness and nausea.

Blackening in front of the eyes.

Fear of dying due to physical symptoms.